Russia | Kamchatka

Land of bears and volcanoes

Grimness prevails, it seems, as the Boeing 737-800 of Aeroflot begins its landing manoeuvre. The tarmac is still wet from a previous downpour, although it's no longer raining. But the dense layer of clouds, low over the airport, suggests that there will soon be another change in weather. Welcome to ...

Like torches licking at the glacier

Ever smaller becomes the Grassy Point Lodge down there, like a miniature house amidst the lush greenery, while the MI 8 of Vityaz Aero ascends above the helipad. It's half past three in the afternoon, we've bid farewell to our lodging of the past three nights and are now setting off in a wide arc on our flight northward over the Kurile Lake. In the distance, we recognize ...











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