
When the tsetse flies are gone

With over 1,900 km², Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of the largest parks in the country. But it's also the busiest and most visited, explains driver Richard, as we head south to our next destination. Originally, it was called Kazinga National Park, but when ...

Gorillas in the sun

We have a little over three hundred kilometres ahead of us today, all the way to the south-western corner of Uganda, where the mountain gorillas await us. The paved road quickly turns out to be a bumpy road full of crater-like potholes, a torture for man and vehicle. Driver Richard avoids the rough road surface as much as possible and zooms over the gravel shoulder next to it, causing the jeep …


Never to forget

Civil wars. Child soldiers. Hundreds of thousands dead. Unspeakable atrocities. That's still the image with which Uganda and Rwanda are associated in the West. But meanwhile, those events have been behind us for more than twenty years. Not once in the past few weeks have we been confronted with a reference to that horrific past. However, …

Pacomaja travel columns